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Passtcert has been to make the greatest efforts to provide the best and most convenient service for our candidates. High speed and high efficiency are certainly the most important points. In today's society, high efficiency is hot topic everywhere. So we designed Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 study guides pdf which have hign efficiency for the majority of candidates. It allows candidates to grasp the knowledge quickly, and achieved excellent results in the exam.
Having Oracle certification 1Z0-493 exam certificate is equivalent to your life with a new milestone and the work will be greatly improved. I believe that everyone in the IT area is eager to have it. A lot of people in the discussion said that such a good certificate is difficult to pass and actually the pass rate is quite low. Not having done any efforts of preparation is not easy to pass, after all, Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 study guides pdf requires excellent expertise. Our Passtcert is a website that can provide you with a shortcut to pass Oracle certification 1Z0-493 exam.
Share some Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 exam questions and answers below.
You must implement a dependency between two order components within a product specification, where the dependent order component will wait the amount of time defined in an order item property after the blocking order component finishes its execution and before starting its own execution.
What are the two tasks required to configure this behavior?
A. defining a Wait Condition in the dependency, which is configured with the task state “Received”
B. defining a Wait For Condition in the dependency, which is configured with the task state “Completed”
C. defining a Wait For Condition in the dependency, which is configured with a data change notification
D. defining a Wait Delay in the dependency, which is configured with a fixed time duration
E. defining a Wait Delay in the dependency, which is configured with a duration expression
F. defining a Wait Condition in the dependency, which is configured with no delay duration
Answer: A,E
Your customer requests OSM to be installed in a highly available environment to support a large volume of inbound orders and outbound requests. Which three components of the OSM architecture would you consider to propose to your customer?
A. Oracle WebLogic installation with a cluster of admin servers
B. Oracle Database with Real Applications Cluster (RAC)
C. Administrator application installation in a clustered environment
D. Load balancer to balance the workload among Oracle WebLogic Servers
E. WebLogic Node Managers to control the Managed Servers
Answer: A,B,D
Identify the outcome when an upstream system creates an order and some transformation errors are generated in the recognition rule.
A. OSM accepts the order and immediately transitions it to the Failed state.
B. OSM rejects the order back to the external system with an error message indicating the discrepancies.
C. OSM queues the order in the web service queue until an administrator resolves it.
D. OSM accepts the order and transitions it to the Not Started state.
E. OSM accepts the order and transitions it to the In Progress state.
Answer: E
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Passtcert has been to make the greatest efforts to provide the best and most convenient service for our candidates. High speed and high efficiency are certainly the most important points. In today's society, high efficiency is hot topic everywhere. So we designed Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 study guides pdf which have hign efficiency for the majority of candidates. It allows candidates to grasp the knowledge quickly, and achieved excellent results in the exam.
Having Oracle certification 1Z0-493 exam certificate is equivalent to your life with a new milestone and the work will be greatly improved. I believe that everyone in the IT area is eager to have it. A lot of people in the discussion said that such a good certificate is difficult to pass and actually the pass rate is quite low. Not having done any efforts of preparation is not easy to pass, after all, Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 study guides pdf requires excellent expertise. Our Passtcert is a website that can provide you with a shortcut to pass Oracle certification 1Z0-493 exam.
Share some Oracle Communications 1Z0-493 exam questions and answers below.
You must implement a dependency between two order components within a product specification, where the dependent order component will wait the amount of time defined in an order item property after the blocking order component finishes its execution and before starting its own execution.
What are the two tasks required to configure this behavior?
A. defining a Wait Condition in the dependency, which is configured with the task state “Received”
B. defining a Wait For Condition in the dependency, which is configured with the task state “Completed”
C. defining a Wait For Condition in the dependency, which is configured with a data change notification
D. defining a Wait Delay in the dependency, which is configured with a fixed time duration
E. defining a Wait Delay in the dependency, which is configured with a duration expression
F. defining a Wait Condition in the dependency, which is configured with no delay duration
Answer: A,E
Your customer requests OSM to be installed in a highly available environment to support a large volume of inbound orders and outbound requests. Which three components of the OSM architecture would you consider to propose to your customer?
A. Oracle WebLogic installation with a cluster of admin servers
B. Oracle Database with Real Applications Cluster (RAC)
C. Administrator application installation in a clustered environment
D. Load balancer to balance the workload among Oracle WebLogic Servers
E. WebLogic Node Managers to control the Managed Servers
Answer: A,B,D
Identify the outcome when an upstream system creates an order and some transformation errors are generated in the recognition rule.
A. OSM accepts the order and immediately transitions it to the Failed state.
B. OSM rejects the order back to the external system with an error message indicating the discrepancies.
C. OSM queues the order in the web service queue until an administrator resolves it.
D. OSM accepts the order and transitions it to the Not Started state.
E. OSM accepts the order and transitions it to the In Progress state.
Answer: E

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