If you have EMC E20-885 certification, apparently, it can improve your competitiveness. E20-885 VNX Solutions Expert Exam for Implementation Engineers certification can guarantee you have good job prospects, because EMC certification E20-885 exam is a difficult test of IT knowledge, passing EMC certification E20-885 exam proves that your IT expertise a strong and you can be qualified for a good job.Passtcert have a professional IT team to do research for EMC certification E20-885 study guide.
Share some Implementation Engineer E20-885 exam questions and answers below.
A customer recently upgraded from vSphere v4.x to vSphere v5.0 to benefit from new VMFS-5 features for their existing ‘DataStore1’ and ‘DataStore2’ datastores on an EMC VNX. A second identically configured VNX was implemented and the customer created two additional datastores on the new VNX.After monitoring the environment, the customer notices the VMs on ‘DataStore1’ and ‘DataStore2’ are not using the same sub-block structure as the two new datastores. What is the reason for this behavior?
A. The old VMs are on an upgraded VMFS-5 datastore.
B. The old VMs are still running old VMware tools.
C. The new VMFS-5 features need to be licensed and activated.
D. The new VMFS-5 cannot support two VNX storage systems.
Answer: A
A Pool used for FAST VP has the following configuration:
Flash drives: 1,000 GB, with 1,000 GB free
SAS drives: 5,000 GB, with 2,500 GB free
NL-SAS drives: 20,000 GB, with 11,500 GB free
The tiering policy is set to Auto. An additional 600 GB of new data is written to the Pool. What is the data distribution after the data is written?
A. Flash drives: 960 GB free SAS drives: 2,400 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,040 GB free
B. Flash drives: 400 GB free SAS drives: 2,500 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free
C. Flash drives: 900 GB free SAS drives: 2,000 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free
D. Flash drives: 970 GB free SAS drives: 2,350 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,080GB free
Answer: A
A storage administrator reports they are unable configure SAN Copy connections between two VNX. The required cabling is in place and zoning is correct, but the SP connections still do not appear in Unisphere Manager. What could have caused this issue?
A. SAN Copy is not installed on both VNX arrays.
B. SAN Copy is only licensed for local copies.
C. The SP ports are already being used by hosts.
D. Both VNX arrays are not in the same domain.
Answer: D
You are planning a CIFS DR solution for two existing EMC VNX. Each VNX has dual Control Stations. Each VNX is also configured for a RecoverPoint protection solution on other VNX LUNs that are non-file related. What recommendation would you give the customer concerning the CIFS DR solution?
A. Configure IP aliasing on the Control Stations for both source and destination VNX systems before configuring VNX Replicator
B. Configure IP aliasing on the Control Stations for both source and destination VNX systems after configuring VNX Replicator
C. Configure IP aliasing on the source VNX system Control Stations before configuring VNX Replicator, and then configure IP aliasing on the destination VNX system Control Stations after configuring VNX Replicator.
D. Configure IP aliasing on the source VNX system Control Stations before configuring VNX Replicator and use RecoverPoint to provide protection of the source VNX Control Stations to the destination VNX.
Answer: A
If you choose Passtcert EMC certification E20-885 study guide, you will be well prepared for EMC certification E20-885 exam and then successfully pass the exam.Passtcert provide different training tools and resources to prepare for the EMC E20-885 exam. The preparation guide includes courses, practice test, test engine and part free PDF download.If you have decided to participate in the Implementation Engineer E20-885 exam, Passtcert is here.
When you're in pain, it is best to learn things. Learning will make you invincible. Passtcert EMC certification E20-885 study guide can also help you to be invincible. With this training materials, you will receive the EMC E20-885 certification which recognized and accepted internationally. Then all of your life, including money and position, will improve a lot. Until then, will you still feel painful? No, you will be very happy. You should thanks Passtcert which provide you with good EMC certification E20-885 study guide. It can help you when you lost, and let you not only improve your own quality, but also demonstratethe value of your perfect life.
Share some Implementation Engineer E20-885 exam questions and answers below.
A customer recently upgraded from vSphere v4.x to vSphere v5.0 to benefit from new VMFS-5 features for their existing ‘DataStore1’ and ‘DataStore2’ datastores on an EMC VNX. A second identically configured VNX was implemented and the customer created two additional datastores on the new VNX.After monitoring the environment, the customer notices the VMs on ‘DataStore1’ and ‘DataStore2’ are not using the same sub-block structure as the two new datastores. What is the reason for this behavior?
A. The old VMs are on an upgraded VMFS-5 datastore.
B. The old VMs are still running old VMware tools.
C. The new VMFS-5 features need to be licensed and activated.
D. The new VMFS-5 cannot support two VNX storage systems.
Answer: A
A Pool used for FAST VP has the following configuration:
Flash drives: 1,000 GB, with 1,000 GB free
SAS drives: 5,000 GB, with 2,500 GB free
NL-SAS drives: 20,000 GB, with 11,500 GB free
The tiering policy is set to Auto. An additional 600 GB of new data is written to the Pool. What is the data distribution after the data is written?
A. Flash drives: 960 GB free SAS drives: 2,400 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,040 GB free
B. Flash drives: 400 GB free SAS drives: 2,500 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free
C. Flash drives: 900 GB free SAS drives: 2,000 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free
D. Flash drives: 970 GB free SAS drives: 2,350 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,080GB free
Answer: A
A storage administrator reports they are unable configure SAN Copy connections between two VNX. The required cabling is in place and zoning is correct, but the SP connections still do not appear in Unisphere Manager. What could have caused this issue?
A. SAN Copy is not installed on both VNX arrays.
B. SAN Copy is only licensed for local copies.
C. The SP ports are already being used by hosts.
D. Both VNX arrays are not in the same domain.
Answer: D
You are planning a CIFS DR solution for two existing EMC VNX. Each VNX has dual Control Stations. Each VNX is also configured for a RecoverPoint protection solution on other VNX LUNs that are non-file related. What recommendation would you give the customer concerning the CIFS DR solution?
A. Configure IP aliasing on the Control Stations for both source and destination VNX systems before configuring VNX Replicator
B. Configure IP aliasing on the Control Stations for both source and destination VNX systems after configuring VNX Replicator
C. Configure IP aliasing on the source VNX system Control Stations before configuring VNX Replicator, and then configure IP aliasing on the destination VNX system Control Stations after configuring VNX Replicator.
D. Configure IP aliasing on the source VNX system Control Stations before configuring VNX Replicator and use RecoverPoint to provide protection of the source VNX Control Stations to the destination VNX.
Answer: A
If you choose Passtcert EMC certification E20-885 study guide, you will be well prepared for EMC certification E20-885 exam and then successfully pass the exam.Passtcert provide different training tools and resources to prepare for the EMC E20-885 exam. The preparation guide includes courses, practice test, test engine and part free PDF download.If you have decided to participate in the Implementation Engineer E20-885 exam, Passtcert is here.

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